
The performance from year to year

A retailer’s claim for insurance compensation supported by court


A major retailer came to us after losing a claim against an insurance company in two lower courts. The retailer was suing the insurance company to recover compensation for a 190 million Ruble insurance claim. Our objective was to ensure justice for the retailer. 


We had two major tasks at hand:
1. To prove that claim was in fact valid;
and  2. To quantify the claim amount. 

We managed to convince the court of cassation court that lower courts made their rulings against our client without taking into consideration certain circumstances that were crucial to the case.

We were able to cancel the prior rulings and to appoint a retrial. At the new trial, we were able to convince the court that the claim was covered by our client’s insurance policy and is entitled to full compensation of losses. This project was particularly difficult due to the colossal volume of evidence that supported our client’s claim to compensation. In two months, we had to collect and present to the court over 1,300 volumes of documents. 


As a result of the project team effective work the client was awarded full compensation of over 190 million Rubles in the complicated insurance claim dispute. The client did not only resolve a financial challenge, but also restored moral justice by proving the dishonest actions of the insurer. 

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